Lush greenery, a multitude of fragrances that fill the air: positioned between the rough and barren hills of inner Liguria and the green coastal region filled with olive groves and fruit trees, also called ”the coast of the setting sun”, San Damian sparkles with the pride of a welcome oasis. Multiple layers of time created its present state: a space, modelled slowly by a succession of people inhabiting this land, by their history, their desires, their dreams. The elders still like to tell of a not always harmonious, but sometimes also troublesome past, with natural disasters of various kinds – old colourful tales, somewhere between legend and reality. Its legacy however lives on in the colours of the landscape, the fruits of the orchards, the flowers and scents of the gardens, its stylish interiors.
Every part of San Damian is tinged with a continental, unmistakably also
Mediterranean taste: the touch of the artists, the architects, creative minds who have shared this dreamlike vision. Nothing has been left to chance: the positioning of the plants and trees, the harmonious colour palette of its walls, its tastefully and timelessly decorated interiors – each a unique part of its simple yet sophisticated beauty, carved by the hands of skilled artisans.
Surrender to the charm of San Damian and give in to its alternating, unexpected worlds and times – multiple worlds combined by all the people who left their mark here, like brushes on a canvas. People like Pamela – American and German blood runs through her veins, yet she has the proud character of the people from Western Liguria, where she was born and raised. Or Roberto, who decided to leave the big city life of northern Italy only to return to his roots, looking after the many olive trees surrounding San Damian, and producing a beautiful olive oil. And of course all the people who have come to visit in al these years, each contributing to a mosaic of intercultural relations and exchanges forming the character of this very special part of the world.
Experience the discreet elegance of the interiors, lose yourself in the sounds and colours of the gardens, savour the many scents of nature, carried by the breeze. Start or end an eventful day with a bath in the Jacuzzi, followed by a stroll in the orchard. Time at San Damian is of a different tempo, of intimacy, of an escape from the everyday, fast-paced routine. Colours, scents, hours passed: they are there just for your enjoyment, pleasure and relaxation.
CODICE CITR 008031-AGR-0010